
Renée Isermann: Yoga4Face for everybody!


My mission: to Create and foster the beauty of this world!

“Because with every glowing and radiant face the planet will become more beautiful. And it is only you who decides what marks remain on your face when you grow old.

My name is Renée. I am here to remind you that it is you who can define your life and who can share your shine and radiance with the world in many ways.

Do you want to know:

  • Why your smile has the highest priority for me – and how you can rediscover it?
  • How you can boost and sustain your radiance for a lifetime?
  • How you can make the aging process into a positive experience for you, without any beauty surgerys, and how you can visibly change your appearance?

Then you are completely right here!”

Renée Isermann

Inspiration and Love are my motivation

I want you to seize every day, to make every day to your best day.

When you work with me,

  • You experience a great ease and lightness to your life and discover new vitality and joy in your life.
  • You gain inner independence, because you will shake off the need for external validation and any personal restrictions that might have limited you.
  • You’ll understand how all your talents, exyperiences and adventures have formed you – and how you can make the best out of it.

You are a gift– to yourself and for the people surrounding you and for the whole planet. This is my deepest belief. Let your smile shine into this world, and the world will smile right back at you.

Escaping myself. Coming home. Smiling.

I was a very serious child. I only learned to smile much later. For me, it was always about performance & achievements. I was a competitive sports athlete, and later on I became successful as a saleswoman in a big company. There was little to laugh or smile about.

I escaped to Austria before I completely burned out. It took me four years to break away from old conventions and to toss overboard my then prevailing notion of safety. Only after I had gone through a terribly painful break up and the dreadful experience of losing three children, including living through the different feelings of desperation, guilt and shame, I was able to steer my life in a new and right direction.

I finally learned that I was enough. That I was beautiful. That I, all by myself, can call the shots. That it is in my hands to create my own life according to my own ideas and visions.

But those 10 years, after I had left Germany, had left their marks – in the true sense of the word. My face revealed signs of pain, grief and struggle.

But I was not going to accept this. And quickly, my pioneering spirit was awakened. In my years of training, I had learned that I can re-programme my body, if I do the right things. So, what should I do – for myself, and later on for others to encourage them?

With Yoga4Face, I discovered myself and found a new approach to life. It was exciting to combine it with the power of essential oils with which I had already worked quite intensively before. All my knowledge and experiences came together and created a new meaning.

Today, I know that every day when I consciously choose myself, I will live my life to the fullest. My soul starts to sing, and my heart is filled with love and joy.